Canoe Club - Alsace canoës

  • Informations


    Discover a unique landscape during canoe or kayak daytrips suited for every skill levels. Enjoy trips on the alsatian rivers, Ill, petite Ill, Rhin Tortu, Bornen, Bennwasser, Brunnwasser.

    Our team will provide an unforgetable half day, full day or multi day experience on the river for everybody.

    For more we are also offering one week trips on the Allier and Loire river as well as expedition in Canada's Yukon.


    - 2€ discount
  • Opening time

    FROM 15/04/2025 TO 15/10/2025

    ATTENTION: Prise de rdv par téléphone ou par mail

Contact informations

Route de Marckolsheim
Moulin de la chapelle
67600 Selestat
The Tourist Offices of Alsace Centrale and their partners are pleased to offer you the Alsace Centrale guestcard, the original